Medical Staff Wellness

Caring for your health and well being

Our ability to provide exceptional care relies on the wellness of our providers. 

Providence Health Care Resources

PHC Staff/Medical Resource List and Wellness Toolkit

Help foster a workplace that promotes positive mental health and mental wellness and offers staff some of the resources that they need to be well.

mPOSH: Supporting medical staff safety>

Medical Practitioners Occupational Safety and Health (mPOSH) works closely with Public Health, Prevention and Control (IPAC), and Occupational Health and Safety, to support medical staff who have communicable disease concerns.

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Returning to work after viral respiratory Infection>

Reminder of the steps medical staff can take to care for themselves
and contribute to the safety of their patients and those with whom they work.

New Wellness Room at St. Paul’s Hospital

Wellness Room at St. Paul’s Hospital
A Wellness Room in SPH Conference Room 8 (basement Conference Centre) offers a space for exercise and movement. Accessible by keycard and available 24/7 to all medical staff, staff, volunteers, students, residents and contractors who work at SPH.

Adler Counseling Services

Provides medical staff with individual counselling sessions, wellness webinars, and team wellness huddles (by leader request).

Health and Wellness on PHC connect

Resources available to support you, your family, your peers, or your staff with mental health and mental wellness.


Partner Resources


BC Physician Health Program >

Supporting in BC: Practicing Physicians | Retired Physicians | Residents | Medical Students | Family Members

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Services available for physicians, trainees and family members

  • 24/7 confidential helpline with crisis counselling for callers, any time of day or night.
  • Short-term counselling from a network of clinical counsellors who are trained and experienced in supporting physicians.
  • Referrals to specialized coaches and therapists to address specific challenges and needs.
  • Help supporting a physician you are concerned about

Services available for physicians and trainees only

  • Peer Support – direct, confidential physician-to-physician help with personal or professional issues.
  • Connection to a family physician if you do not have one.
  • Transitions back to work or school
  • Occupational health consultations
  • Strengthening Workplace Relationships

Doctors of BC Physician Health and Safety Agreement (the PHS Agreement)>

Provide funding and formal structures to address gaps in areas related to physician health and safety.

CMPA Physician Wellness Resources >

Resources for medical staff beyond medical-legal assistance and provides advisory services in addressing stress.  View resources >

BC College of Physicians and Surgeons>

The College’s health monitoring department is confidential and supportive. It ensures public safety by monitoring registrants who transition from sickness to health and those who take a health-related leave of absence.

WorkSafe BC Resources

Doctors of BC Physician Health Program

24/7 helpline for confidential, personalized assistance with issues such as mental health, relationship stress, career and life transitions, substance use and concern for colleagues.