Value Based Health Care Toolkit – Canadian Foundation For Healthcare Improvement
Oct 2020

Value Based Health Care Toolkit – Canadian Foundation For Healthcare Improvement


Information and guidance to those who are interested in learning about VBHC; those who are thinking about implementing it; and those who are ready to assess and improve their current Read More »

Patient Safety Journal Reading
Oct 2020

Patient Safety Journal Reading


Some excellent recommended reading, annoted by PHC QSV Pillar physicians. Fischhoff, B. (1975). Hindsight is not equal to foresight: The effect of outcome knowledge on judgment under uncertainty. Journal of Experimental Read More »

Emotion and Coping in the Aftermath of Medical Error: Survey
Oct 2020

Emotion and Coping in the Aftermath of Medical Error: Survey


J Patient Saf 2015 Harrison R. Emotion and Coping in the Aftermath of Medical Error: A Cross-Country Exploration: This cross-sectional survey of 265 providers in teaching hospitals in the UK and Read More »

CIHI: Measuring Patient Harm in Canadian Hospitals: Report
Oct 2020

CIHI: Measuring Patient Harm in Canadian Hospitals: Report


The Canadian Institute for Health Information (CIHI)’s  and the Canadian Patient Safety Institute (CPSI) have developed a new measure of harm occurring in Canadian hospitals. This is its national picture Read More »

Health Care-Associated Infections: Costs and Financial Impact (USA): Article
Oct 2020

Health Care-Associated Infections: Costs and Financial Impact (USA): Article


JAMA 2013 Zimlichman et al. Health Care-Associated Infections: A Meta-Analysis of Costs and Financial Impact on the US Healthcare System: This meta-analysis estimates the costs associated with the most significant and targetable Read More »