
Information and updates for medical staff
Aug 2022

New St. Paul’s Hospital Update: Aug 22, 2022


Improving the digital experience for outpatients and care teams  New St. Paul’s Hospital providers will spend less time on information gathering and administration for outpatients, and have better electronic access Read More »

Aug 2022

Innovators Unite! New Innovation Focus Bubbling Up at Providence


Innovation is a tricky concept. It’s certainly related to invention as well as research and development. But it also spans the gamut from micro-improvements right up to systemic change. Organizations Read More »

Quality improvement projects lead to enhanced health care outcomes
Jul 2022

Quality improvement projects lead to enhanced health care outcomes


PHOTO ABOVE: Physician Led Quality Improvement (PLQI) Cohort 5 graduates (Left to right): Dr. Bonnie Law, Dr. Daniel Raff , Dr. Jeremy Ho, Dr.Amy Bazzarelli, Dr. Fiona Duncan and Dr. Read More »

The heart of the province-wide network
Jul 2022

The heart of the province-wide network
