
Information and updates for medical staff
Breast Cancer Awareness Month: Providence Breast Centre
Oct 2022

Breast Cancer Awareness Month: Providence Breast Centre


October is breast cancer awareness month! We’re highlighting the exceptional work being done at the Providence Breast Centre. Breast cancer is a common malignancy and the most common cancer found Read More »

Oct 2022

Catch Them Before They Crash: Cerner National Early Warning Score (NEWS)


A tool called the National Early Warning Score (NEWS, or NEWS2) is being implemented in Cerner on October 26, 2022 to assist with early detection and response to clinical deterioration Read More »

Oct 2022

What PHC is Doing to Create a Healthy Workplace


Did you know that most of us spend over 60% of our waking hours at work? And at the same time, statistics tell us that 70% of working Canadians are Read More »

St. Paul’s Hospital Colorectal Cancer Surgeon Dr Raval on Jas Johal
Oct 2022

St. Paul’s Hospital Colorectal Cancer Surgeon Dr Raval on Jas Johal


St. Paul’s Hospital colorectal cancer surgeon Dr. Manoj Raval spoke to Jas Johal about the importance of colonoscopy checks after Ryan Reynolds posted a public-awareness-raising video of his first colonoscopy.