
Information and updates for medical staff
Celebrating Medical Staff achievements: looking back, looking forward
Dec 2019

Celebrating Medical Staff achievements: looking back, looking forward


The December 9 MSA meeting and holiday social was an opportunity for medical staff to celebrate, reflect on our accomplishments and to hear about plans for 2020.

E-mail, multi-tasking and online addiction
Nov 2019

E-mail, multi-tasking and online addiction


Distinguished Speaker Paul Mohapel shares some facts about how digital distractions can decrease our productivity, and some tips to make changes.

CST: GoLive Supports Quick Reference
Nov 2019

CST: GoLive Supports Quick Reference


Download the CST Supports Reference Guide in PDF here> See all CST supports for Medical Staff here>

Posted in CST
New St. Paul’s Medical Staff Challenge
Nov 2019

New St. Paul’s Medical Staff Challenge


Join physician colleagues to make a donation to Phase 1 of the new St. Paul’s this fall! By showing that our whole physician community is behind the new St. Paul’s, we’ll establish a legacy and inspire the public and big funders for years to come.