Dec 2023

Get your Idea Funded – 2025/2026 Innovation Pathway Program


Mini​stry of Health Innovation Pathway 2025/2026 

The Ministry of Health has an open call for applications to the Innovation Pathway Program for any idea or current project that supports the testing and assessment of promising innovations in a health care setting.  Check out the Program Guide ​ for more information!​


***New for 2025/2026 *** Providence is seeking applications that: 

  • Can be viewed as preparation for the move to the new St. Paul’s Hospital at the Jim Pattison Medical Campus, and/or 
  • Enable efficiencies across the organization, resulting in a return on investment (ROI) such as cost savings, cost avoidance, revenue generating or time savings. 


Application deadlines 

Activity  Deadline 
Innovators connect with Holly van Heukelom about their idea or project  Anytime! 
Innovators attend a virtual information session ​  December 11, 2024, 12:00-1:00PM 
Applicants send Health Innovation Intake Form and Supplemental PHC Checklist for Success​ to Holly van Heukelom  January 20, 2025, 12:00 noon 
Holly will inform applicants of internal status; top 5 projects will be provided with feedback for revising applications  January 28, 2025 8:00AM 
Applicants of top 5 projects will submit revised Health Innovation Intake Form to Holly  January 30, 2025, 4:00PM 
Holly will send the applications of the top 5 projects to the Ministry of Health  February 2, 2025 
Ministry of Health might reach out to applicants with questions  February 3 to March 31, 2025 
Ministry of Health will seek approval signatures on Letter of Understanding  March 31, 2025 
​Holly will reach out to applicants of unfunded projects to discuss alternative fu​nding sources​  ​April 2025 
​Ministry of Health will initiate funding transfer to health authorities
​May 2025

Funds must be used by March 31, 2026. The funding transfer date is approximate and is comprised of biweekly payments. FAQ coming soon! 


How to apply for the January 20, 2025, intake: 

  1. Review the Innovation Pathway Program Guide. This includes detailed information including a Decision Support Tool which helps consider the fit of proposals for the program. 
  1. Review PHC’s internal prioritization matrix ; this is in alignment with the Ministry of Health’s priorities and Fit Against Criteria Matrix found within the Program Guide. 
  1. Contact PHC’s innovation contact for the MoH Innovation Pathway to set up a meeting to discuss your innovation project and the Innovation Pathway:  Holly van Heukelom, Innovarium Director, Ideas: Forward   
  1. Note that “health authority executive” in question #14 of the Intake Form refers to a member of the Senior Leadership Team (SLT).  It is essential that you obtain executive sponsorship by an SLT member.  Reach out to an SLT member to discuss your project and ensure you provide them with at least 1 week’s notice to review your intake form.  If you are unsure who to approach, then connect with Holly to discuss. 
  1. Complete the fillable PDF Health Innovation Intake Form. 
  1. Complete the Supplemental PHC Checklist for Success. Use the Budget Planning Template if it is helpful. 
  1. Send both the Health Innovation Intake Form and the Supplemental PHC Checklist for Success to Holly at Note that all applications directly submitted to the Ministry of Health will be redirected to Holly. 


What happens after you apply? 

  • All intake forms must be submitted to Holly by January 20, 2025.  All applications will then be reviewed and compared against PHC’s internal prioritization matrix by Innovarium, PHC’s innovation engine.  Holly will reach out to all applicants by January 28, 2025, 8:00AM.  The top 5 applicants might be asked to make some revisions to their applications and to submit their final intake forms to Holly by January 30, 2025, 4:00pm.  Holly will then submit the finalized top 5 intake forms to the Ministry of Health by February 2, 2025. 
  • In April, after the Ministry of Health has selected the PHC innovation projects to fund, Holly will contact the unsuccessful applicants to discuss alternative funding streams and opportunities  that might be a good fit.

Idea Review Process 

​*This section is under review

Book an Appointment 

​Have an idea but don’t know how to make it happen?  We want to know about it! Book an appointment with Holly van Heukelom. We can talk about developing your idea,  navigating PHC’s internal structures and getting connected with the right programs and people.