Facility Engagement Funding

Facility Engagement Funding

PHC Medical Staff have been increasing their voice through participation in a variety of PASS-funded Engagement activities

Find out more about ongoing PASS-funded activities of the PASS Working Group and strategic medical staff-led Pillar Advisory Committees (PACs)

Updates on opportunities to get involved are announced to medical staff through regular 59-second Updates.

2024 Pillar-Focused Project Expression of Interest (Closed)


With an application deadline of March 18, 2024, the PHC Physicians & Surgeons Society (PHC-PASS) and medical staff Pillar Advisory Committees (PACs) accepted proposals for Pillar-focused engagement projects and initiatives from eligible medical staff groups/departments/divisions for awards of up to $5000 for projects ending by March 31, 2025. The selection process for this round completed by April 23, 2024.

2024 Pillar-focused Project Submission Guidelines

Worksheet (Word) to Prepare Your Application for Funding

Apply For Funding (Application Form)

Facility Engagement Funding Guidelines (Sept 2023)

Funding Decision Process: Who and How

2024 Pillar-focused Expression of Interest

  • Each application was reviewed by the applicant’s specified medical staff Pillar Advisory Committee (PAC) and PHC partners, evaluated, scored and discussed against a standard framework. The PHC-PASS team has notified all applicants of their funding status as of April 25, 2024.
  • Successful project leads and participants receive funds via the Facility Engagement FEMS system (requires sign-up).

Prior to 2024

PASS did not hold any Expressions of Interest for medical-staff led projects between 2021-2023, due to PASS facility engagement funding being mostly dedicated to launching and establishing Pillar Advisory Committees at Providence.

From 2017 to 2022, approximately 60 individual medical staff-led projects were funded by PASS, through the Facility Engagement program. Each project was approved based on its alignment with PASS strategic priorities of that time. This included focused project intakes for COVID-related projects in 2020 and vision-supporting projects for the New St. Paul’s Hospital in early 2021. Project selection was led by PASS Working Group members (Co-chairs and Subcommittee leads) in collaboration with PHC’s Executive Director of Medical Affairs. Funding of individual projects was allocated based on available funds and each project’s level of alignment with PASS strategic goals.

Browse all completed medical staff-led projects–>


Contact us anytime: pass@providencehealth.bc.ca