What patient care innovations have PHC teams been working on? See the featured projects here!
Thank you to all presenters and poster representatives from the 2024 CQI Showcase, for contributing to Providence Health Care’s commitment to provide exceptional, high quality, and safe care to the patients and families we serve - while achieving outcomes that matter most to our patients.
Project List: 2024 PHC CQI Showcase
Optimizing Value-Based Outcome Measurement in Chronic Inflammatory Neuropathy Through Quality Improvement and Rapid PDSA Cycles
Quantifying the opportunity cost of neurology IVIG appointments in St Paul’s Hospital’s Medical Short Stay Unit
Secure Patient Texting Streamlines Medication Counselling at The St. Paul’s Ambulatory Pharmacy
Revising the PHC Health History Questionnaire (PHHQ)
Improving access and flow to Holy Family Hospital Rehabilitation – Thwarting myths and accelerating efficiency
Evaluating Hospital at Home Pharmacy Services in the Immediate Post-Implementation Period
Value-Based Health Care (Carpal Tunnel Syndrome project)
A Delirium reduction strategy for the Surgical High Acuity Unit (sHAU): A quality improvement project
Food as Medicine for Healing: Balancing Patient Eating Habits with Planetary Health
St Paul’s Emergency Department Low Risk Pulmonary Embolism Pathway
Neurology mobile point-of-care workstation at St. Paul’s Hospital – Neurology on Wheels (NOW)
Off-label use of dalbavancin to improve treatment outcomes and reduce healthcare costs: a single-center quality improvement initiative
The St. Paul’s Hospital Advanced Endoscopic Resection Center (SPARC)
Near-Patient Crossmatch Collection in Community
Glove Smart
ED-Medicine Handover Project
People’s Choice Award: Reduction of staff musculoskeletal injuries in the Post Anesthetic Care Unit at SPH
Physiotherapy following breast cancer surgery at PHC
NEWS project at MSJ
CONGRATS! PEOPLE'S CHOICE AWARD RECIPIENTS Reduction of staff musculoskeletal injuries in the Post Anesthetic Care Unit at SPH - submitted by Christine Roy and the St. Paul's Hospital Surgical Program team
This annual Showcase event is hosted by the Exceptional Quality, Safety, Value (EQSV) Pillar, one of four working committees that the Physicians and Surgeons Society (PASS) and PHC that is facilitating strong medical staff representation, collaboration, and two-way communication between physicians and our health authority leadership. PACs are tasked with activating and advancing PHC’s strategic priorities.
2023 CQI Showcase
Project List: 2023 PHC CQI Showcase
Development of a patient and clinician co-led education program to promote living well with an ICD: Insights from a quality improvement project
Improving access to diabetes care: evaluation of new clinic model to maximize the competencies of Certified Diabetes Educators (IMPACT-DC)
Patient-Reported Outcomes, Burdens, and Experiences (PROBEsurvey in patients with severe Hemophilia A without inhibitors following Emicizumab initiation
Audience Choice Award: PAtient-guided Complication Tracking System (PACTS): Building Alliances with Patients for the Continued Improvement of Post-Procedural Outcomes
The Independence Model (TIM)
Pregnancy Outcomes in Sickle Cell Patients in BC
RACE – Rapid Access to Consultative Expertise
Strengthening primary care providers’ access to tools and resources for supporting long COVID patients in BC
Quality and Partnerships Forward – A Value-Based Health Care Initiative that prioritizes patients and embraces partnership to transform care
St Paul’s Hospital Anticoagulation Stewardship Program
NICU Dyad Care at St Paul’s Hospital
Evaluation of the Live Donation Patient & Family Group
Delivering value for patients with shoulder pain
Implementing Outcome Measures: From Research to Operations in the St. Paul’s Immunotherapy in Neurology Clinic
Supporting patients with Tertiary Hyperparathyroidism after kidney transplant
NLED-AF: Assessing the Feasibility of Nurse-Led Post Ablation Education Following Same-day Discharge after Atrial Fibrillation Ablation
Free Period Products
Physiotherapy Student Led Clinic in the Older Adult Clinic at SPH
Goals of Care Conversations at the MSJ Family Practice Teaching Service
Using QI methodologies to improve engagement in care in a DTES Vancouver Primary Care Clinic
KardiaMobile 6L Monitoring in Pregnant Patients with LQTS: A Pilot Project & Collaborative Effort to Improve Patient Care
Acquired Hemophilia A. A 5 Year Single Centre Experience of Laboratory Testing. Saint Paul’s Hospital. Providence Health Care. BC Canada
Imprecision of the neutrophil band cell count
eCASE (electronic Consultative Access to Specialist Expertise)
CONGRATS! AUDIENCE CHOICE AWARD RECIPIENTS Patient-guided Complication Tracking System (PACTS): Building Alliances with Patients for the Continued Improvement of Post-Procedural Outcomes - presented by Leah T’ien, Gastroenterology (Booklet, page 10)
This annual Showcase event is hosted by the Exceptional Quality, Safety, Value (EQSV) Pillar, one of four working committees that the Physicians and Surgeons Society (PASS) and PHC that is facilitating strong medical staff representation, collaboration, and two-way communication between physicians and our health authority leadership. PACs are tasked with activating and advancing PHC’s strategic priorities